My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) / Comedy-Romance

MPAA Rated: PG-13 on appeal for one use of strong language and brief sex-related humor
Running Time: 105 min.

Cast: Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz, Rupert Everett, Philip Bosco
P.J. Hogan
Screenplay: Ronald Bass
Review published December 7, 1997

A woman who once had a promise with her best friend to marry him if they were still unmarried when they were 28 receives news that he is about to get married. When she arrives, she realizes she is in love with him and sets out to ruin the wedding by winning him back.

Amiable and light romantic comedy is successful on all counts. Director Hogan, who also directed MURIEL'S WEDDING three years before, does a great job handling the likeable cast and setting the right moods at the appropriate times. It's not necessarily a riot in the laughs department, but it is endearing and never sappy despite some obvious moments. Roberts is good as usual, with Mulroney and Diaz surprisingly terrific in their respective roles. It's not particularly memorable, but a fun time while it's on and a highly recommended "date" movie.

Qwipster's rating:

©1997 Vince Leo