Against All Odds (1984)

A down and out football player (Bridges) gets waived by his team, and financial troubles forced him to accept a deal from a powerful bookie (Woods) to find his lost girlfriend (Ward) hiding out somewhere in Mexico. However, the plot thickens when he finds her, and they end up starting a romantic affair of their own, much to the dismay of the bookie and her wealthy and influential parents.
Against All Odds is an interesting but ultimately flawed remake of the film noir classic Out of the Past (which is paid homage to by casting the star of the original (Greer, The Big Steal) as the mother). The film maintains a moderate level of competence during the first half, then falters after that when the story becomes convoluted with subplots involving political affairs and illegal gambling operations.
Bridges is terrific, but many of the supporting actors seem out of place, and Taylor Hackford’s directorial style (or lack thereof) is, in many situations, quite awkward. Somewhere among all this mish-mash of ideas is a good film, and it seems that film was the original noir gem.
Qwipster’s rating: C+
MPAA Rated: R for sexuality, nudity, violence, some drug content, and language
Running Time: 128 min.
Cast: Jeff Bridges, Rachel Ward, James Woods, Alex Karras, Jane Greer
Director: Taylor Hackford
Screenplay: Eric Hughes