Cookie’s Fortune (1999)

The elderly Jewel “Cookie” Mae (Neal, Hud) misses her husband so much, she kills herself to be with him. One of her daughters hides the suicide note and plants evidence of murder, because no one in her family ever killed themselves and they weren’t starting now. Now evidence points to Willis (Dutton, Mimic), Cookie’s friend and the only one who cares about her.
Robert Altman (The Gingerbread Man, Short Cuts) directs this amiable crime comedy with appropriately subtle style. Cookie’s Fortune is chock full of lovable characters and nice performances, with many quality touches by it’s skillful director. Perhaps the lightness of the tone may not rank the movie very high in Altman’s oeuvre, but it’s still a refreshing comedy with characters to care for. It’s slow, but worth the trip.
Qwipster’s rating: A-
MPAA Rated: PG-13 for the depiction of a violent act, and for sensuality
Running Time: 118 min.
Cast: Charles Dutton, Liv Tyler, Glenn Close, Julianne Moore, Chris O’Donnell, Patricia Neal
Director: Robert Altman
Screenplay: Anne Rapp