Bumblebee (2018)

2 Responses

  1. Jon-Luc Aragon says:

    Good review. I actually look forward to watching this one soon. Finally! A live-action Transformers movie that’s actually pretty good. By the way, I noticed you never reviewed the previous entry, The Last Knight; if you haven’t seen it, I would strongly recommend avoiding it, especially since Bumblebee functions as a fresh start for the franchise. The Last Knight is probably, and I mean this sincerely, the worst big-budget action movie I’ve seen this decade and a gigantic waste of time/talent, more so than the other entries. Anyway, nice work as always, Vince.

    • Vincent Leo says:

      Thanks so much, Jon-Luc! No, I haven’t seen The Last Knight. I contemplated seeing it just out of a sense of completism, but after four films in which I basically say the same things each time as to why it didn’t work for me, I figured that there was no reason to continue to rehash it. At this point, I’m not expecting Michael Bay to suddenly “get it” and deliver a coherent movie, especially since he’s being rewarded monetarily for making the kind of movie he makes. Bumblebee is a formula film, so don’t expect to be blown away, but at least it makes sense, builds its characters to some degree before placing them in danger, and it is directed by someone who doesn’t have contempt for the property and the fans. In this age of wall-to-wall CG blockbusters, there’s just not much that can impress me (and probably mot people) just by seeing computer-generated robots smashing computer-generated robots into computer-generated buildings, unless there is a controller in our hands. Thanks for reading!

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