Category: 2000s


Heartbreakers (2001)

I seem to remember having seen HEARTBREAKERS before…I think it was called DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS back then though.  Of course, it’s a little different here since the main con artists are female, and also...


Cast Away (2000)

While finding many scenes of Cast Away to be fascinating, I must say that as a whole I was less than impressed with the end result. Tom Hanks gives an incredibly self-sacrificing performance, and is...


Hardball (2001)

I’ve often wondered if the TV cartoon “South Park” were to ever be filmed as live action if its millions of fans would still find it funny without the cute cartoon kids using foul...


Get Over It (2001)

The unfortunate thing about most teen comedies is that 99% of them are content to stick to a tried and true formula rather than tell a compelling tale of teen angst and heartbroken romance....


Rock Star (2001)

Chalk this up as another in Vince’s seemingly never-ending list of guilty pleasures.  I suppose it should be said that a great deal of why I give Rock Star as good a review as I...


Ghosts of Mars (2001)

The new rule of thumb for this millennium is that if a film takes place on Mars, stay the hell away at all costs.  Not since Total Recall has there been a Hollywood expedition there with...


America’s Sweethearts (2001)

As good an actress as Julia Roberts may be, she has done about as many bad films as good during the span of her career.  Following what may have been her finest performance in...


The Others (2001)

With all due respect to the fans of The Sixth Sense,  with which others may draw comparisons due to its ending, I’m going to go against the grain and proclaim The Others as the best horror film...


Martial Angels (2001)

Even if there isn’t much to films like Charlie’s Angels except babes in skin tight outfits kicking butt and blowing things up, somehow that’s almost enough to be entertained by these days.  Martial Angels is Hong Kong’s attempt...


Rush Hour 2 (2001)

I’ve heard that sometimes in comedy it’s not what you say but the way you say it that will inspire laughs.  After watching Rush Hour 2, you’d think the makers took this philosophy as the...