Category: Martial Arts


Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)

Cradle 2 the Grave marks the third hip hop kung fu gangsta flick from Polish cinematographer Bartkowiak (Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds being the other two), and the result isn’t bad, it’s just more of the same.  Cradle is...


Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Campy trash?  Cult schlock? Guilty pleasure?  It’s “yes” to all three questions in John Carpenter’s crazy kung fu action vehicle, Big Trouble in Little China.  It’s not really a film one would call good in...


Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)

Coming into Kill Bill, many people will have a good deal of negative feelings stored up for the egotistical filmmaker responsible, as well as the fact that Miramax is going to make us pay twice...


Hero (2002)

With the success of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, it seemed easy to surmise that we were going to see more kung-fu epics emerge shortly thereafter.  Hero is the first formidable one of these to emerge from China, and...


Thunderbolt (1995)

If you watch Jackie Chan’s films only for the two or three lengthy, well-choreographed fight scenes, and are able to sit patiently through ninety more minutes of bad drama in between, perhaps you will...


Tai Chi 2 (1996)

I’m not altogether sure why this is called TAI CHI “2” because by all appearances this is not a sequel, and if by some small chance it is, you certainly don’t need to see the first...


Shanghai Knights (2003)

Shanghai Knights is both better and worse in many ways than the first film, Shanghai Noon, so I feel that the reaction as to which you think is the better of the two will significantly depend...


The Tuxedo (2002)

I’ve concluded that watching a Jackie Chan film involves some of the same elements as watching a porn flick.  Amid all the exciting action, there’s usually a dumb plot set up as a device...


Handsome Siblings (1992)

One of the many reasons why I enjoy watching Hong Kong action films is due to the clever use of comic relief even amid the most direst of situations. When this is done well,...


Iron Monkey (1993)

Right before director Yuen Woo-ping would direct his almost equally amazing WING CHUN, and six years before he would become the choreographer for THE MATRIX and CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON, Yuen Woo-ping delivered this cult gem of Hong...