Category: Sports


Major League (1989)

Major League is meant to make you laugh, pure and simple.  Baseball is merely the platform for some funny hi-jinks, but these characters could have been plugged into any sport and it would have been...


Rocky IV (1985)

“I must break you”. At the time wrote the words above are uttered, it’s hard to discern whether writer/director Sylvester Stallone was speaking through Rocky’s fiercest opponent yet, Ivan Drago (Lundgren, Masters of the Universe),...


Rocky (1976)

The inspiration for Rocky came on March 24, 1975. Sylvester Stallone attended a closed-circuit Los Angeles movie theater presentation of Chuck Wepner fighting Muhammad Ali. Severe underdog Wepner wasn’t expected to last three rounds...


The Great White Hype (1996)

The Great White Hype is a broad satire of the boxing industry, particularly in how publicity and marketing govern the suitability of one’s rise to the top more so than sheer talent.  Spoofing everything from...


The Benchwarmers (2006)

The tagline for The Benchwarmers reads, “It’s never too late to take a stand,” and if it were up to me, I’d add, “…and walk out of the theater” to the end of it. Mouth agape,...


The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)

Shia LaBeouf stars in this solid Walt Disney production, which represents one of their finest in terms of live-action films in recent memory. The technical aspects of the film are top-notch across the board,...


Semi-Tough (1977)

Semi-Tough is a difficult movie to describe, and perhaps impossible to recommend.  It doesn’t neatly fit into any defined genre, and there also isn’t any determinable plot one can put a finger on when telling...


Glory Road (2006)

It’s evident to anyone that has seen enough historical or biographical movies that the term “Based on a true story” has no real, practical meaning.  Hollywood has almost always changed the real story of...


Fat City (1972)

The great director John Huston scores again with one of his most understated films, a small-time character study on two boxers on opposite ends of their boxing careers.  Keach plays Billy Tully, a former...


Bad News Bears (2005)

The 1976 classic sports film, The Bad News Bears, has been given an upgrade in 2005 — they removed the word “The” from the title!  Outside of this, there is little fundamental difference between this...