Fright Night (2011) / Horror-Comedy
MPAA rated R for strong bloody violence, language and some sexual references
Running time: 106 min.Cast: Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell, Imogen Poots, Toni Collette, David Tenant, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dave Franco
Cameo: Chris Sarandon, Lisa Loeb
Director: Craig Gillespie
Screenplay: Marti Noxon (based on the 1985 screenplay by Tom Holland)
Remaking a cult classic comedy-horror hybrid from 1985, Fright Night covers similar ground in terms of tone and characterizations, though with more modern teen horror staples than the classic horror homage of its predecessor. No surprise on the modernity, as it is scripted by "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" scribe Marti Noxon. For those familiar with the storyline, it is sufficiently different to not be just a recreation. Though it is very preposterous as these sorts of films go in terms of character build-up and motivation, taken as a piece of pure entertainment, it hits just enough right notes at the right times to make it worthwhile for genre enthusiasts.
Charley Brewster is a once-geeky, now studly high school senior living in the suburbs of Las Vegas who reluctantly comes to the conclusion that his new hunky neighbor, Jerry, is a sinister vampire, responsible for the missing people around the neighborhood. Trouble is he's caught the eye of Charley's mom, Jane, and has his eyes set on keeping Charley's mouth shut by threatening his hot girlfriend, Amy. When no one will believe him, Charley turns to the one guy who makes a living as a vampire killer, albeit only as a performance artist (a la Criss Angel), illusionist Peter Vincent, who is as skeptical as the rest.
Qwipster's rating:
©2011 Vince Leo