Tagged: Abigail Breslin


Ender’s Game (2013)

Ender’s Game is based on the popular, award-winning novel by Orson Scott Card first published in 1985, set in Earth’s future in which the human race has survived its first alien attack from a...


Zombieland (2009)

Refreshing, in these times, to find a spoof on a genre of films that isn’t just rattling off of pop culture references and obvious sight gags, though Shaun of the Dead is still a favorite for...


Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

If you were to hear the central premise of Little Miss Sunshine without having ever seen a preview, you’d probably dismiss it as just another knock-off of National Lampoon’s Vacation series, and choose to ignore it.  Don’t.  While...


Raising Helen (2004)

Helen Harris (Hudson) is a 20-something up-and-comer in the fashion industry, putting it all on the line for her career while still able to partake of the Manhattan party atmosphere she knows inside and...


Signs (2002)

Signs is a tough review for someone who doesn’t employ spoilers, so forgive the lack of specifics in the review — I’m doing it for your own good.  After watching the twisty yet somber thrillers The...