Tagged: Albert Finney


Annie (1982)

Annie is a musical that has become a fan favorite for those who grew up watching it, though film critics in general have remained rather tepid toward it, citing that it is overblown and clunky. ...


The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

Jason Bourne is back, and he’s still being chased by a faction of the CIA who have insidiously been trying to keep the details of his origin and missions under wraps for fear of...


Looker (1981)

Looker is one of Michael Crichton’s several modern science fiction thrillers that are almost wholly interchangeable in terms of plot developments and general storylines, even if the events that hold them together are all...


Big Fish (2003)

I have a feeling that Tim Burton’s Big Fish will be one of those films that is underappreciated at the time of its release, but gains esteem with time and repeated viewings throughout one’s life.  It’s...


Erin Brockovich (2000)

Based on a true story. Erin Brockovich (Roberts) is a struggling mother of three who bulldozes her way into working for a small law firm, and uncovers a possible coverup involving a powerful multi-billion dollar...