Tagged: alien invasion


Ender’s Game (2013)

Ender’s Game is based on the popular, award-winning novel by Orson Scott Card first published in 1985, set in Earth’s future in which the human race has survived its first alien attack from a...


Mars Attacks! (1996)

Tim Burton (Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands) takes on comic science fiction in Mars Attacks!, a big-screen narrative version of the cult Topps trading card series from the early 1960s, in which Martian in flying saucers are...


The Avengers (2012)

Many of the Marvel franchise titles have, as according to plan, come together to pit the all-star team-up of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against a massive force to (hopefully) save the humanity from perpetual enslavement....


War of the Worlds (2005)

Yet another adaptation of the oft-visited alien invasion classic by H.G. Wells, Steven Spielberg takes his turn for a credible, but a touch underdeveloped, update of War of the Worlds.  Produced at breakneck speed for...


Battlefield Earth (2000)

A thousand years from now, the dreaded alien race known as the Psychlos, take over Earth and submit those few remaining human beings to prison and slave labor, raping the Earth for its resources...


The Faculty (1998)

In an Ohio high school, the faculty begins exhibiting strange behavior including dressing sexy and drinking copious amounts of H2O. The behavior seems to be spreading to the students as well, and soon the...


They Live (1988)

They Live is a laid-back sci-fi actioner starring ex-pro wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as John Nada (he’s not called any name in the movie), a drifter who lands a temp job at a construction...


Independence Day (1996)

In the 1990s, it seems that if you’re given a budget over $100 million, the rule of thumb is to put 90% of it into special effects, while whatever paltry sum is left should...


Men in Black (1997)

Like Independence Day, which also starred Will Smith, here is another popcorn movie whose sole assets are special effects and sheer energy.  They both also have high doses of cheesy humor, and a half-cooked plot...