Tagged: Allen Covert


The Benchwarmers (2006)

The tagline for The Benchwarmers reads, “It’s never too late to take a stand,” and if it were up to me, I’d add, “…and walk out of the theater” to the end of it. Mouth agape,...


Eight Crazy Nights (2002)

I freely admit that I’ve been known to use crude humor from time to time. Normally I reserve such lowbrow humor for people I know well enough so that I don’t offend others who...


Mr. Deeds (2002)

I’ve endured some Adam Sandler stench-fests before to be sure —  Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Little Nicky — hell, I didn’t even care for the one most people seem to like: The Wedding Singer.  I mentally braced myself going into...


The Wedding Singer (1998)

It’s 1985, and a wedding singer (Sandler, Big Daddy) gets stood up at his own wedding and practically sinks into depression feeling he will never find anyone to love him. He helps a young waitress (Barrymore, Ever...