Tagged: amusement park


Fletch Lives (1989)

The original sequel to 1985’s hit comedy, Fletch, was originally meant to be based on the sixth of Gregory McDonald’s series of “Fletch” novels, “Fletch and the Man Who”, with a plot that would involve...


Rollercoaster (1977)

Yet another attempt during the 1970s at a disaster film (although not a purist one), Rollercoaster isn’t the worst of its genre, but it’s quite a sizable distance from being the best.  What it has...


Spirited Away (2001)

Just a quick note, for those who are curious:  I viewed this in the original Japanese language with English subtitles, and not the dubbed version which was released theatrically in the US with voices...


Westworld (1973)

An amusement park/resort is created in another world called Delos, where there are various “worlds” people can stay in and feel as if they are there. Participate in an orgy in Romanworld, have a...