Tagged: Ancient Greece


300: Rise of an Empire (2014)

Readers who’ve seen my review of Zack Snyder’s 300 won’t be surprised to learn that its prequel/sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire, doesn’t meet well with me.  It’s more of the same poorly scripted, intensely jacked-up, copiously...


Immortals (2011)

Director Tarsem Singh (The Fall, The Cell) delivers his usual highly-stylized, incoherent visual masturbation all over this somewhat gory sword-and-sandal epic, cranking up the computer-generated display at the expense of such things as interesting plot,...


300 (2007)

How should a film reviewer who has a degree in Classics, who is a Frank Miller fan, and who has read the mini-series upon which it is based approach a film version without expectations? ...


The Emperor’s Club (2002)

I’m a little saddened to learn that the study of Classics hasn’t led me to become a leader of industry, politics or a corporation like so many of the fine students at the young...