Tagged: Andie McDowell


The Muse (1999)

Another genial and amusing comedy by Albert Brooks, The Muse is a pleasant little diversion for fans of Brooks and light-hearted comedies in general.  As usual with Brooks films, your enjoyment of the movie will greatly...


Groundhog Day (1993)

Groundhog Day falls into the category of movies that get better with age, and also one that is especially enjoyable when viewing on the second or third time, which is fitting considering the plotline.  In...


Sex Lies and Videotape (1989)

Disturbing but ultimately riveting look into the lives of four people:  Ann (MacDowell), John (Gallagher), Cynthia (San Giacomo), and Graham (Spader).  Ann and John are married but John is sleeping with Ann’s sister, Cynthia.  Graham...


Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

Charles (Grant, The Remains of the Day) and his British bachelor friends, well-into their 30s, wonder if they will ever find someone to marry. While best man at another friend’s wedding, Charles meets the striking American...