Tagged: Anna Kendrick


The Accountant (2016)

Ben Affleck stars as the titular accountant, a highly functional autistic savant and skilled fighter/gunman named Christopher Wolff, who currently has an office at a strip mall that fronts for his real business, and...


The Hollars (2016)

Directed by star John Krasinski, his second such effort, The Hollars is yet another well-meaning dramedy about yet another financially and emotionally sulking big-city resident who returns small-town home to his dysfunctional family to care for...


End of Watch (2012)

Written and directed by David Ayer (Street Kings, SWAT), the filmmaker with a special interest in the workings of the Los Angeles PD, the city where he was raised, in End of Watch, he has directed his...


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

The big screen adaptation of the cult-y Bryan Lee O’Malley comic book is, like its print counterpart, a mash-up of teen pop culture obsessions infused into a young romance storyline. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World works...