Tagged: Anthony Wong


Infernal Affairs 3 (2003)

The Infernal Affairs series borrows another page from the Godfather series by having the next entry serve as both a sequel and a prequel to the first chapter (the first sequel mirrors The Godfather Part II by tracing the character...


Infernal Affairs (2002)

As much as I love Hong Kong action films, I must still admit that most directors tend to prefer style over substance, slow-motion shootouts over character development.  This is why it comes as a...


Armageddon (1997)

With all of the shoot-em-up ballets of bullets that have been so popular in the John Woo era of Hong Kong cinema, director Gordon Chan as been refreshing in that he has taken the opposite...


Century of the Dragon (1999)

The duo that brought you the infamous Naked Killer are back with an altogether different kind of actioner in Century of the Dragon, reminiscent more of the Goodfellas/Casino kind of filmmaking Martin Scorsese is known for than anything...


The Heroic Trio (1993)

The Invisible Woman (Yeoh, Wing Chun) is stealing babies from local hospitals for an evil master, while Wonder Woman (Mui, Rouge) is trying to take her down. Thief Catcher (Cheung, The Iceman Cometh) joins forces with the police to try...