Tagged: Antonio Fargas


Firestarter (1984)

Based on the novel by Stephen King, Firestarter stars Drew Barrymore (E.T. the Extraterrestrial, Cat’s Eye) as youngster Charlie McGee, the super-gifted offspring of “Jedi mind trick”-using father Andy (Keith, Major League II) and mind-reading mother Vicky (Locklear, Money...


Across 110th Street (1972)

One of the grittiest and most violent films of its era, Across 110th Street, is a reliable police action vehicle made especially compelling with its claustrophobic location work, giving us a feel of the bleakness and...


Foxy Brown (1974)

A staple in any blaxploitation cinema lover’s diet, Foxy Brown is perhaps Pam Grier’s most popular in the genre.  Grier is Foxy Brown personified — sexy, tough, and able to alternatively seduce or throw down...