Tagged: arizona


Sicario (2015)

Emily Blunt (Into the Woods, Edge of Tomorrow) stars as FBI agent and SWAT team member Kate Macer, whose services are voluntarily enlisted in helping out a mysterious group of black ops law-enforcement agents headed...


A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)

Set in the fictional town of Old Stump, Arizona in 1882, Seth MacFarlane stars as Albert Stark, a skittish sheep farmer who has been recently dumped by his beloved girlfriend Louise (Seyfried), who quickly...


Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

An extremely loose, glossy adaptation of the relatively obscure 2006 independent studio graphic novel of the same name by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, Cowboys & Aliens isn’t the first mash-up of Westerns and science fiction (Westworld, Wild Wild...


3:10 to Yuma (2007)

2007’s version of 3:10 to Yuma is the right way to remake a classic film.  Instead of a complete rehash with saltier material, or something so divergent as to be unrecognizable, the screenplay by Michael Brand and...


3:10 to Yuma (1957)

Dan Evans (Heflin) is a struggling, drought-stricken rancher desperate for money who agrees to help escort Ben Wade (Ford), the leader of a band of outlaws, at gunpoint to take the train to Yuma where,...


Campus Man (1987)

A wholly dated and forgettable 80s movie, Campus Man may have been inspired by the events of associate producer Todd Headlee’s experience at Arizona State University selling calendars, but that’s the only thing that is “inspired”...


Tombstone (1993)

I remember in an English class in college, getting a “B+” on a paper I could easily have gotten an “A” on.  Although I remember it was something about the Shakespeare play, “Romeo and...


Eight Legged Freaks (2002)

Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping genres lie.  Eight Legged Freaks is an attempt to bring back the b-movie creature features with enhanced CGI for today’s more discriminating audiences.  Ellory Elkayem writes and directs it,...


U Turn (1997)

I’m beginning to think Oliver Stone (W., World Trade Center) took a fierce tumble down a flight of steps that affected his head in some way. Here he employs the same short-attention span style of...