Tagged: Art Carney


Firestarter (1984)

Based on the novel by Stephen King, Firestarter stars Drew Barrymore (E.T. the Extraterrestrial, Cat’s Eye) as youngster Charlie McGee, the super-gifted offspring of “Jedi mind trick”-using father Andy (Keith, Major League II) and mind-reading mother Vicky (Locklear, Money...


Last Action Hero (1993)

Last Action Hero has always been a semi-guilty pleasure of mine, not because I’m ashamed to admit liking it, but because I actually think, unlike most critics, that it is a good and entertaining...


Going in Style (1979)

In a society where the elderly are considered to have had all of their fun, as well as their usefulness, behind them, Going in Style offers a different slant.  Here we have three men, in their...