Tagged: artificial intelligence


I Am Mother (2019)

I Am Mother is a thoughtful but taut science-fiction thriller from director Grant Sputore, who, along with screenwriter Michael Lloyd Green, concocted this futuristic tale with a more modest budget in mind, given that...


Ex Machina (2015)

Esteemed screenwriter Alex Garland (Dredd, Sunshine) writes and directs (his first) this fascinating science fiction drama, which plays like a futuristic chamber piece about reality, fantasy, truth, manipulation, deception, humanity and lack thereof.  To avoid...


Her (2013)

Set in Los Angeles in the near future, Her is Spike Jonze’s science fiction-comedy-romance-drama satire which follows a lonely, separated man named Theodore Twombly (Phoenix, The Master), who spends his days working as a writer of “heartfelt”...


Moon (2009)

Moon probably works best the less you know about it. While I do feel my review doesn’t spoil the film, I would recommend saving reading anything after the next paragraph until after you’ve viewed the...


Simone (2002)

Simone is Andrew Niccol’s second feature as a director and third as screenwriter, and for someone so new to the industry, he has made quite a terrific impression on many in terms of his...


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

The late Stanley Kubrick’s name graces the intro to A.I: Artificial Intelligence alongside that of director Steven Spielberg’s, due to his having cultivated the film for over a decade before it was passed to the man...


The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix is a very easy film to like, perhaps easy to like too much, as there are some people who view it as an exalted religious experience, and to them I say, , “Lighten...


Westworld (1973)

An amusement park/resort is created in another world called Delos, where there are various “worlds” people can stay in and feel as if they are there. Participate in an orgy in Romanworld, have a...