Tagged: Barry Pepper


61* (2001)

Hardcore baseball (and Yankees) fan Billy Crystal directs this sentimental memento on one of the greatest races in sports history: chasing Babe Ruth’s vaunted single-season home run record.  Made for HBO on a modest budget...


25th Hour (2002)

After watching Spike Lee’s latest joint, 25th Hour, one might begin to suspect Spike has a lot of ideas and an inability to stick with any one of them for very long.  Every scene is just...


Battlefield Earth (2000)

A thousand years from now, the dreaded alien race known as the Psychlos, take over Earth and submit those few remaining human beings to prison and slave labor, raping the Earth for its resources...


The Green Mile (1999)

After creating what was, in my opinion, the best film of the Nineties in his first time at the helm, now years later writer-director Frank Darabont has the impossible task of topping himself in...


Saving Private Ryan (1998)

The story is simple.  The images will last forever. Due to the devastating news that three out of four brothers have died during WWII, the US military decide to send a troop into hostile...