Tagged: baseball


Brewster’s Millions (1985)

Richard Pryor (Superman III, Live on Sunset Strip) stars as longtime minor league pitcher Montgomery Brewster still waiting for his next big call-up to the Bigs that seems to be so elusive. He and his...


61* (2001)

Hardcore baseball (and Yankees) fan Billy Crystal directs this sentimental memento on one of the greatest races in sports history: chasing Babe Ruth’s vaunted single-season home run record.  Made for HBO on a modest budget...


A League of Their Own (1992)

As time goes on, my fondness for A League of Their Own grows, and only a waning voice in the back of my mind keeps me from giving it the vaunted 5-star rating.  Obviously, not everyone...


Field of Dreams (1989)

I have seen Field of Dreams multiple times since its release in theaters back in 1990; it’s one of those films that I enjoy more as I grow older. I used to consider it good (but...


Major League (1989)

Major League is meant to make you laugh, pure and simple.  Baseball is merely the platform for some funny hi-jinks, but these characters could have been plugged into any sport and it would have been...


The Benchwarmers (2006)

The tagline for The Benchwarmers reads, “It’s never too late to take a stand,” and if it were up to me, I’d add, “…and walk out of the theater” to the end of it. Mouth agape,...


Bad News Bears (2005)

The 1976 classic sports film, The Bad News Bears, has been given an upgrade in 2005 — they removed the word “The” from the title!  Outside of this, there is little fundamental difference between this...


The Bad News Bears (1976)

Walter Matthau plays aging alcoholic Morris Buttermaker, a one-time minor league prospect turned pool cleaner, with not much to show for his life except some empty beer cans.  Morris gets the chance to make...


The Slugger’s Wife (1985)

It could have been and should have been, a much better film than it actually is.  Marred by lots of problems in production behind the scenes, The Slugger’s Wife is a case of “too many...


The Sandlot (1993)

The Sandlot is a favorite movie for some, but I won’t count myself among them.  Those who enjoy the film probably do so for all of the reasons I don’t — it’s childish, predictable, unrealistic, poorly...