Tagged: Bill Murray


Scrooged (1988)

Charles Dickens’ classic novel, “A Christmas Carol”, provides the backbone, and the backstory, for this modern update.  It’s become something of a cult classic for people to watch around Christmas time every year, though,...


Meatballs (1979)

Bill Murray’s first starring role showcases the easygoing smart-alecky character that would take him through nearly a career of suitably memorable roles.  It’s the first of four films he would make with director Ivan Reitman...


Broken Flowers (2005)

Nicely directed by quirky filmmaker Jim Jarmusch, and just as nicely performed in the comic subtlety department by veteran Bill Murray, Broken Flowers may lose more mainstream audiences expecting an obvious laugh riot, but those looking...


Tootsie (1982)

Nominated for 10 Academy Awards, only winning one for Jessica Lange’s nice supporting performance, Tootsie is a case of a romantic comedy where everything clicks just right.  A fantastic script full of quality character touches...


Stripes (1981)

Many of the creative forces behind the hit comedy Animal House reunited for a similar vehicle for Murray, Stripes.  This one was a military face, but the formula would be the same, where a group of uncouth...


Quick Change (1990)

Bill Murray stars as Grimm, a man who dresses like a clown in order to fool the police when he and his two cohorts commit a bank robbery which sees them taking away a...


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)

Unlike some other critics, I didn’t go into The Life Aquatic with any expectations of greatness.  I’ve only fallen asleep while watching two movies in my lifetime, and one of those movies happened to be Wes...


Lost in Translation (2003)

Ten years before the release of Lost in Translation, Bill Murray opted to star in a light romantic comedy, Groundhog Day, and although I’m a big fan of Murray’s schmoozy slapstick flicks, I just shook my head when...