Tagged: Billy Zane


Back to the Future Part II (1989)

Generally considered the lesser film of the Back to the Future trilogy, mostly because it is darker and less in fun than the other two, Back to the Future II (originally intended to be titled Paradox) is nonetheless an...


Titanic (1997)

For me, James Cameron’s Titanic has always been a tale of two halves.  The first half — the setup — is schmaltzy and not particularly well written.  The second — the disaster movie — is balls-out,...


Back to the Future (1985)

Back to the Future is pure entertainment, and very successful at that.  Wholly inspired and brilliantly executed, this brainchild of co-screenwriter Bob Gale and director Robert Zemeckis is chock-full of in-jokes and sight gags...


Memphis Belle (1990)

Very loosely based (or basically, as close to complete fiction as one can get without being so) on a real B-17 bomber that fought in World War II, Memphis Belle is a formula Hollywood war...


Dead Calm (1989)

Orson Welles developed the project in the 1960s but never completed it. George Miller and Terry Hayes company, Kennedy-Miller,  bought the rights out from Welles’ estate. Shot near Hamilton Island. Australia. Dead Calm is a...