Tagged: Bob Gunton


Demolition Man (1993)

Demolition Man starts off in Los Angeles’s near future of 1996, where crime has run rampant.  It takes someone ruthless to catch ruthless criminals, and that man is super-cop John Spartan (Stallone, Rocky V), whose take-no-prisoners...


61* (2001)

Hardcore baseball (and Yankees) fan Billy Crystal directs this sentimental memento on one of the greatest races in sports history: chasing Babe Ruth’s vaunted single-season home run record.  Made for HBO on a modest budget...


Fracture (2007)

Implausible, but quite watchable nonetheless, Fracture is the kind of film that one enjoys more due to the subtle performances and character touches provided by the leads than for the flawed story at the heart of...


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)

In this sequel, a botched rescue attempt of a raccoon in Asia leaves Ace Ventura (Carrey) an emotional wreck, so distraught that he joins a brotherhood of Tibetan monks to help find his way back.  While...


The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

An unlikely story to turn into a movie, and an unlikely movie that would turn into a contemporary masterpiece, The Shawshank Redemption not only deserved its Best Picture nomination, but it also deserved to win out...