Tagged: Brendan Gleeson


In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

Based on the historical novel of the same name by Nathaniel Philbrick, published in the year 2000, In the Heart of the Sea relates the story of a New England whaling ship known as the “Essex”,...


Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Tom Cruise in another big-budget science fiction vehicle that’s not easy to readily separate from one of his other recent releases (Oblivion, War of the Worlds, Minority Report), but don’t let its familiar premise or generic...


Safe House (2012)

Ryan Reynolds plays rookie CIA agent Matt Weston, reluctantly stuck in a dreary, boring assignment looking after an empty safe house in Cape Town, South Africa.  When his locale is used as the interrogation...


Braveheart (1995)

Introductions are hardly necessary for the Best Picture winner of 1995, and a bit of an odd pick for the Academy, given the rather graphic violence and grim battles that fill up much of...


Mission: Impossible II (2000)

Rather than calling this basically in-name-only sequel to the successful De Palma directed outing of 1996 Mission: Impossible, they really should have just called it John Woo XI. This basically is just a continuation of the...


Breakfast on Pluto (2005)

Based on the 1998 novel by Patrick McCabe, Breakfast on Pluto tells the strange odyssey of Irish transvestite Patrick Braden (Murphy), abandoned as a baby to an a life of foster care by his mother,...


Cold Mountain (2003)

It took me some time to finally be able to sit all the way through Cold Mountain, despite several attempts. Some of this had to do with the fact that at 155 minutes, it’s quite...


The Village (2004)

A quick note to readers: To avoid possible spoilers, I’m just going to forego giving my usual plot summary in this review, except when necessary.  M. Night Shyamalan has become the “gimmick director”. After...


28 Days Later (2003)

I’m not going to bother trying to figure out all of the things which make little or no sense during 28 Days Later, as they are not only impossible to explain given the little...


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)

The late Stanley Kubrick’s name graces the intro to A.I: Artificial Intelligence alongside that of director Steven Spielberg’s, due to his having cultivated the film for over a decade before it was passed to the man...