Tagged: Burgess Meredith


Clash of the Titans (1981)

One of my childhood favorites, so take this into consideration as you witness what might be an overly nostalgic review of Clash of the Titans.  Although it is better known today as the last film...


Mackenna’s Gold (1969)

Caution: The following review contains general details about the film’s finale. Read at your own risk. The fact that a young George Lucas would be on location in Utah during the shooting of part of Mackenna’s...


Rocky (1976)

The inspiration for Rocky came on March 24, 1975. Struggling actor and writer Sylvester Stallone attended a closed-circuit presentation in a Los Angeles movie theater of Chuck Wepner fighting Muhammad Ali. Wepner was a...


State of Grace (1990)

At its heart, State of Grace isn’t really a new kind of film in the small-time gangster genre, but it is an example of one that follows the formula with well-oiled precision.  What these movies all...


Foul Play (1978)

Foul Play marks the second of two Colin Higgins screenplays to liberally lift plots straight from the works of Alfred Hitchcock, then wrap it up in 70s comic style, Silver Streak being the other.  Call this The 39...