Tagged: Burt Young


Amityville II: The Possession (1982)

When the Lutz family sold their story to author Jay Anson of their account purchasing a home in Amityville, Long Island, that they left after 28 days due to demonic goings-on, they neglected to...


Back to School (1986)

Stand-up comedian extraordinaire Rodney Dangerfield (Caddyshack, The Projectionist) stars as Thornton Melon, who has made millions with his own wildly successful Tall & Fat line of clothing stores. His ungrateful, philandering wife (Barbeau, The Cannonball Run) isn’t...


Rocky IV (1985)

“I must break you”. At the time wrote the words above are uttered, it’s hard to discern whether writer/director Sylvester Stallone was speaking through Rocky’s fiercest opponent yet, Ivan Drago (Lundgren, Masters of the Universe),...


Rocky (1976)

The inspiration for Rocky came on March 24, 1975. Sylvester Stallone attended a closed-circuit Los Angeles movie theater presentation of Chuck Wepner fighting Muhammad Ali. Severe underdog Wepner wasn’t expected to last three rounds...


Convoy (1978)

It’s painful to see a once mighty filmmaker like Sam Peckinpah fail, especially when it is a catastrophe on this level.  Convoy is perhaps one of the weirdest of the late Seventies films about truckers and...