Tagged: Catherine O’Hara


Home Alone (1990)

Perhaps the biggest surprise about Home Alone is not that it is liked by many people, especially as a movie to watch around Christmas — it’s that it would become a mega-blockbuster, shooting straight up...


Orange County (2002)

Orange County stars Colin Hanks, son of Tom, as Shaun Brumder, an Orange County teen who always had excelled in his classes despite his lifestyle of surfing and parties.  When he is told he...


Home Fries (1998)

Starting off with a particularly awful scene of two brothers chasing down their philandering stepfather with a military helicopter until he dies of a heart attack, this comedy starts off bad and gets progressively...


Beetlejuice (1988)

The idea for Beetlejuice developed when Michael McDowell, a horror novelist and occasional television writer for “Tales from the Darkside”, sold the rights to some of his Southern Gothic novels to a former studio...