Tagged: Catherine Zeta-Jones


Side Effects (2013)

Reviewing a film like Side Effects poses a bit of a challenge, as revealing the aspect of it that will make or break it for most people will likely be the very thing that spoils that...


The Terminal (2004)

Steven Spielberg follows up one of his lighter films, Catch Me If You Can, with an even frothier affair in The Terminal, another film inspired by a true story catapulted to the realm of the fantastic through...


Intolerable Cruelty (2003)

Although it will probably be seen as the least “Coen” of the Coen brothers’ films, Intolerable Cruelty is still unmistakably theirs.  Like many of their previous films (Hudsucker Proxy, Miller’s Crossing, Barton Fink, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The...


Chicago (2002)

After hearing about the cast of the lavish musical screen recreation of the acclaimed Bob Fosse production, Chicago, I was very skeptical that such a musical could be pulled off by a cast that isn’t...


America’s Sweethearts (2001)

As good an actress as Julia Roberts may be, she has done about as many bad films as good during the span of her career.  Following what may have been her finest performance in...


The Haunting (1999)

A grandiose mansion called Hill House is the setting for Dr. Marrow’s (Neeson, The Phantom Menace) experiments on insomnia, thinking it is one’s fears that keeps them awake, and if they can sleep while in a...


Traffic (2000)

It should be abundantly clear after the year 2000 that Steven Soderbergh is the best director no one’s ever heard of working in Hollywood today. Arguably his two films (Traffic and Erin Brockovich) could legitimately claim...


The Mask of Zorro (1998)

The Mask of Zorro is a throwback to the golden days of action cinema, when the swashbuckler reigned supreme. Tales of sword-fighting bandits, of lavish costumes and sets, high-flying stunt-pieces, and romance galore. This is...