Tagged: Charlie Sheen


Major League (1989)

Major League is meant to make you laugh, pure and simple.  Baseball is merely the platform for some funny hi-jinks, but these characters could have been plugged into any sport and it would have been...


Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)

When a screwball spoof is successful, it is stupid in an intelligent kind of way.  Loaded Weapon 1 is just plain stupid.  While a few of the quips and sight gags might elicit a mild chuckle...


The Rookie (1990)

Eastwood may be a well-respected director these days, crafting such Academy Award winners as Unforgiven, Mystic River, and Million Dollar Baby, but he has made a few duds in his time as well.  Does anyone remember Firefox?  True...


The Big Bounce (2004)

One of the many reasons that people enjoy reading Elmore Leonard is for the observations made by the colorful characters, and the asides they make are just as enjoyable as the overall story itself. ...


Lisa Picard is Famous (2000)

Lots of independent filmmakers have taken to the “mockumentary” route for making their movies, mostly because they are relatively inexpensive, utilizing real-life locales and situations, as well as employing a good deal of improvisation...


Young Guns (1988)

Those who think Young Guns one of the best Westerns ever made must either not have seen many or have incredibly short term memories.  I would not even claim that Young Guns is a good film at all,...


Being John Malkovich (1999)

If, as Andy Warhol quipped, everyone is famous for 15 minutes, why does it have to also cost $200?! Perhaps the most original comedy to come out in the 90s, Being John Malkovich is another in...