Tagged: China


The Meg (2018)

Jon Turteltaub (Last Vegas, National Treasure: Book of Secrets) directs this big action and mild horror flick, seemingly pulled out of the 1990s adolescent-minded blockbuster cycle, about a megalodon, a massive 75-foot shark long thought...


12 Citizens (2014)

1957’s 12 Angry Men provides the inspiration for this Chinese art-house interpretation by first-time feature director and co-writer Xu Ang. The circumstances: a young man is adopted into a wealthy family is accused of murdering his...


Once Upon A Time in China (1991)

Definitely not to be viewed for a peek at historical accuracy, but definitely worth watching for the unbelievable martial arts talents of its star, OUATIC is a classic Hong Kong action flick that is more entertaining...


The Legend II (1993)

Martial arts expert Fong Sai Yuk (Jet Li, Once Upon a Time in China) is back, this time trying to stop a mutiny within the ranks of the Red Flower Society. He also gets caught in...