Tagged: Cleavon Little


Fletch Lives (1989)

The original sequel to 1985’s hit comedy, Fletch, was originally meant to be based on the sixth of Gregory McDonald’s series of “Fletch” novels, “Fletch and the Man Who”, with a plot that would involve...


Vanishing Point (1971)

Barry Newman stars as Kowalski, a cross-country deliverer of cars for clients that makes a bet that he can drive a 1970 Dodge Challenger from Denver to San Francisco in a short amount of...


FM (1978)

The key to the #1 radio station in LAs success is playing music people love and want to hear and it’s cast of eccentric DJs. The higher ups get a whiff of the station’s...


Blazing Saddles (1974)

The town of Rock Ridge is slated for destruction in order to build a railroad that will pass through the area it inhabits. Unfortunately, the politicians need to get rid of the people who...