Tagged: dancing


Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)

Repressed teenager Janey Glenn (Parker) is newly moved to Chicago with her newly retired military dad, mom, and younger brother, having been enrolled in an all-girls Catholic school, but making a fast friend with...


Hairspray (1988)

Kitsch-master John Waters, after a rare seven-year hiatus from making films, takes a loving, though critical, look back at the early 1960s, utilizing the craze for dance shows on television to explore heavier issues...


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

Loosely adapted from Stephen Vincent Benet’s story, “The Sobbin’ Women”, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers may not make for the most believable of tales, but it has endured as one of the more beloved musical films...


Para Para Sakura (2001)

Have you ever eaten so much candy that you experience a sugar overload, such that you couldn’t possibly have another bite or drink of anything sweet for fear of inducing severe nausea? This accurately...


Dirty Dancing (1987)

Dirty Dancing is a bit of a cult favorite film for some, particularly for those who like song and dance films, regardless of how corny they may be in the drama department, and this one...