Tagged: Danny Trejo


Heat (1995)

Neil McCauley (De Niro, Casino) is a professional criminal who has earned a living with big “scores”. After pulling off an armored car heist in which three guards are killed, he and his cohorts find they...


Fanboys (2009)

Set in 1998, the storyline follows a group of twenty-something longtime Ohio friends, struggling with the feeling like they need to move on with life and accomplishment, but still unwilling to give up their...


Grindhouse (2007)

The term “grindhouse” is attributed to a style of films that were regularly churned out in the 1970s that were predicated on delivering exploitative, sensationalist subject matter in order to entertain a defined audience...


Anaconda (1997)

Either a terrible A-list movie or a great B-movie, depending on your point of view, Anaconda is by all accounts one of the schlockiest large budget releases to ever come from a major studio.  Even...


Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)

Call this El Mariachi 3, Desperado 2, or Once Upon a Time in Mexico — whatever the name, nothing is going to make this turd smell sweet.  The third and last entry in the Mariachi trilogy proves that...


Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

An assistant magazine editor (Heche) and her boyfriend (Schwimmer) take a trip to a tropical island for six days and seven nights (hence the name of the film.) While there he proposes and she accepts, but...