Tagged: editor


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)

A bit lengthy run time for a thriller, but absorbing throughout nonetheless, this murder mystery, somewhat loosely based on the dense best-selling novel by the late Stieg Larsson (which in its native Swedish literally...


The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Like watching a show about fashion on television or flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine, there is a sense (for some people) of fun, frivolity, and envy at watching the glitz, glamour,...


Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

An assistant magazine editor (Heche) and her boyfriend (Schwimmer) take a trip to a tropical island for six days and seven nights (hence the name of the film.) While there he proposes and she accepts, but...


Kissing a Fool (1998)

A book publisher recalls the story of two friends, one of whom becomes engaged to the book editor presiding over the editing of the other’s book regarding his rocky breakup with his model ex-girlfriend....