Tagged: Eliza Dushku


Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)

Kevin Smith’s (Dogma, Chasing Amy) fifth film was intended to be his last in the microverse (aka, the View Askewniverse) of Jay and Silent Bob, who appeared as characters in his four previous films, though...


City by the Sea (2002)

City by the Sea draws its inspiration from a 1997 Esquire magazine article by Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, Mike McAlary.   The article was entitled “Mark of a Murderer,” and detailed the tale of a real-life cop who begins...


Bring It On (2000)

Bring It On is the sort of mindless fluff I would expect on the Disney channel to pass for “quality entertainment”, but I doubt they would let the multitudinous cheesecake shots and phallic symbolism...