Tagged: Embeth Davidtz


Army of Darkness (1992)

Army of Darkness represents the third and (so far) final entry in the Evil Dead trilogy by Sam Raimi (Darkman, The Quick and the Dead), further continuing the trend away from the more straightforward horror of The Evil Dead and...


Fracture (2007)

Implausible, but quite watchable nonetheless, Fracture is the kind of film that one enjoys more due to the subtle performances and character touches provided by the leads than for the flawed story at the heart of...


Bicentennial Man (1999)

The great science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, is among my favorite authors, and I have been surprised by the dearth of movie adaptations of his work, especially from someone as prolific, popular and influential.  Bicentennial...


Schindler’s List (1993)

Sometimes a film is more than a film.  Sometimes it’s an indefinable experience, so gripping and engaging that you soon forget you are even watching a movie.  Schindler’s List is one such film. Without a...


The Emperor’s Club (2002)

I’m a little saddened to learn that the study of Classics hasn’t led me to become a leader of industry, politics or a corporation like so many of the fine students at the young...


Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)

Sometimes it takes a first-time director to breathe new life into what might otherwise be a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy.  Such is the case with the refreshing comedy Bridget Jones’s Diary, thanks in large part to...


The Gingerbread Man (1998)

A New Orleans attorney (Branagh, Dead Again) has a fling with a waitress (Davidtz, Fallen) and tries to sort out her life after finding that she is being tormented by her deranged father (Duvall, Sling Blade). He...


Fallen (1998)

Denzel Washington (Courage Under Fire, Devil in a Blue Dress) plays a cop out to catch a serial killer responsible for a several mysterious murders in his city. Only trouble is the murderer may be...