Tagged: Eric Tsang


Infernal Affairs 3 (2003)

The Infernal Affairs series borrows another page from the Godfather series by having the next entry serve as both a sequel and a prequel to the first chapter (the first sequel mirrors The Godfather Part II by tracing the character...


Infernal Affairs (2002)

As much as I love Hong Kong action films, I must still admit that most directors tend to prefer style over substance, slow-motion shootouts over character development.  This is why it comes as a...


Handsome Siblings (1992)

One of the many reasons why I enjoy watching Hong Kong action films is due to the clever use of comic relief even amid the most direst of situations. When this is done well,...


The Accidental Spy (2001)

The Accidental Spy is a typical Jackie Chan flick that delivers what you expect.  There’s going to be some fantastic fighting.  There’s going to be some incredible stunt work.  There’s going to be some moments...