Tagged: Frank Whaley


Vacancy (2007)

David (Wilson) and Amy (Beckinsale) are a bitterly bickering couple whose marriage is on the skids, detouring down a windy rural road for hours, completely lost. When car troubles force them off the road, they have...


Field of Dreams (1989)

I have seen Field of Dreams multiple times since its release in theaters back in 1990; it’s one of those films that I enjoy more as I grow older. I used to consider it good (but...


World Trade Center (2006)

Oliver Stone (U Turn, JFK) is no stranger to controversy, and making World Trade Center only five years after many Americans had witnessed the most disturbing sight in their lifetimes certainly ripped open wounds in the...


Pulp Fiction (1994)

Are introductions really necessary for Quentin Tarantino’s best film?  Pulp Fiction is nearly perfectly executed in every detail, balancing a fine line between tragedy and comedy, the absurdly surreal and the unflinchingly realistic, morally depraved and...