Tagged: fraternity


Monsters University (2013)

A step down from the delightfulness of Monsters Inc., but still a delight nonetheless, Monsters University may lack for the more affecting aspects of its predecessor, but taken as a fun, cute, comic film for all ages,...


National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978)

Here’s another review that will most likely get me in trouble with the film’s biggest fans, as Animal House is generally considered to be a comedy classic among many circles.  I’ve seen it a few times...


Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

The inspiration for Revenge of the Nerds came when aspiring screenwriters, story editor Tim Metcalfe and film executive Miguel Tejada-Flores. Tejada-Flores brought in elements of his nerdy father, a Bolivian immigrant who went to Cal...


Old School (2003)

In my review for Road Trip, I gave the sophomoric hit negative points due to its “shameful laziness” in delivering a script that “a group of real college kids could write over the course of...