Tagged: geek


Brigsby Bear (2017)

Kyle Mooney (Zoolander 2, Hello My Name is Doris) co-writes and stars in this comic tale of a man-child named James who grows up in an extremely sheltered existence in a remote bunker in Utah,...


Superbad (2007)

Those who can’t get enough of the pop-culture literate comedies by Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up) that celebrate the geek culture in wickedly funny ways would do well to check out Superbad.  Although he...


Mystery Date (1991)

Mystery Date is a tedious exercise in the routine, with gags so trite, you’ll be reciting each punch line minutes before it actually occurs.  With such likable romantic leads, it’s a shame to see...


Ghost World (2001)

Five years after giving us the quirky Crumb, director Terry Zwigoff delivers another batch of off-beat goodness in Ghost World.  The film is based on the small press comic book of the same name by Daniel Clowes,...