Tagged: Gwyneth Paltrow


Iron Man 3 (2013)

Tony Stark returns in this post-The Avengers outing, this time with Jon Favreau stepping down as director, with Shane Black, who directed Downey to great critical success in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, stepping in to take...


The Avengers (2012)

Many of the Marvel franchise titles have, as according to plan, come together to pit the all-star team-up of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against a massive force to (hopefully) save the humanity from perpetual enslavement....


Iron Man 2 (2010)

Robert Downey Jr. reprises his role as narcissist hi-tech playboy billionaire Tony Stark, who finds his world popularity surging after his adopted superhero status has caused the longest era of peace on Earth in...


Iron Man (2008)

Multi-billionaire Tony Stark (Downey) is the best in the world at what he does — designing and selling high-powered weaponry to the world, literally changing the face of warfare through his ability to deliver...


The Anniversary Party (2001)

It’s sort of a poor man’s Big Chill, complete with Kevin Kline, in this multi-character piece reportedly shot entirely with DV cameras in 19 days, with roles written specifically for the friends of writer-director-stars Cumming...


Hard Eight (1996)

A young man named John blows all of his money in Vegas trying to get $6000 to bury his recently deceased mother. Sitting outside of a diner, an elderly gentleman named Sydney approaches and...


Sliding Doors (1998)

Helen gets fired from her job, then catches a train…and misses the train…well, she does both! You see, this film explores how Helen’s life would progress if she catches the train and if she...


A Perfect Murder (1998)

Hitchcock’s DIAL M FOR MURDER revisited, this time with Douglas out to off his philandering wife, and hiring her lover to do the deed. Things get complicated when the lover isn’t up to the...