Tagged: Hal Holbrook


Fletch Lives (1989)

The original sequel to 1985’s hit comedy, Fletch, was originally meant to be based on the sixth of Gregory McDonald’s series of “Fletch” novels, “Fletch and the Man Who”, with a plot that would involve...


Magnum Force (1973)

As long as you aren’t expecting this follow-up to Dirty Harry to live up to the style, influence, and thematic resonance of its predecessor, Magnum Force delivers the goods to action movie junkies, as well as Eastwood’s myriad...


The Star Chamber (1983)

I’m beginning to think that the only person that can be cast in the role of a cultish leader of a secret society of lawmakers that underhandedly twists the laws for his own devices...


The Fog (1980)

The small community at Antonio Bay is celebrating their centennial.  It’s a cause for celebration, but also a concern, as strange events start to occur after midnight when the fog rolls in.  At the...


Shade (2003)

I suppose that if you were to never have seen a film involving grifters, especially one of the many to have emerged in just the past five years alone, you might find Shade to be passable,...


The Firm (1993)

An ambitious young lawyer (Cruise, A Few Good Men) joins a close-knit firm of lawyers who offer him more money than he ever imagined and a seemingly idyllic life in the suburbs. Problem is that this...