Tagged: Helena Bonham Carter


Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)

2010’s Alice in Wonderland wasn’t really a great film, but it did rake in a hefty billion dollars from the worldwide box office, so, naturally, that’s going to green-light a sequel just about every time.  Six...


Dark Shadows (2012)

Johnny Depp (On Stranger Tides, The Tourist) stars as 18th Century Maine fishing industrialist Barnabas Collins, who unwittingly becomes the object of vengeance when he betrays his servant Angelique Bouchard (Green, The Golden Compass), who turns...


The King’s Speech (2010)

An atypical underdog story, The King’s Speech is a well executed piece through and through, featuring very fine performances, good character touches and wit in the script (David Seidler, Tucker), Tom Hooper’s (The Damned United,“John Adams”) consummate direction,...


Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Director Tim Burton teams up with Disney scribe Linda Woolverton in a visual tour-de-force telling of the classic story, which combines elements of the two Lewis Carroll allegories, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and its...


Terminator Salvation (2009)

The Terminator franchise gets dusted off once again, this time without the one sure-fire way to bring people back again for more, Arnold Schwarzenegger.  It doesn’t have that big gun, but somehow, Christian Bale (The Dark...


Big Fish (2003)

I have a feeling that Tim Burton’s Big Fish will be one of those films that is underappreciated at the time of its release, but gains esteem with time and repeated viewings throughout one’s life.  It’s...


Mighty Aphrodite (1995)

Another winning comedy from Woody Allen, and although he has covered much of this same ground before, the writing and characters still make everything seem fresh and vibrant.  Once again, Allen draws from real-life experiences,...


Novocaine (2001)

After his memorable turn in Little Shop of Horrors playing a dentist, Steve Martin plays another one in Novocaine, an oddly interesting yet ultimately unsatisfying comic-thriller.  While the Hitchcockian plot and meandering storyline are too familiar...


Planet of the Apes (2001)

Remaking one of the best sci-fi films of all time was bound to be an arduous task, and the fact that this new incarnation of Planet of the Apes is pretty solid entertainment even if it...