Tagged: Horatio Sanz


A Better You (2014)

Dr. Ron Knight (Huskey) is a Los Angeles hypnotherapist who sees clients in his home, trying, often to little avail, to put his patients under and hopes that suggestion can cure their vices when they...


Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

When the kids leave the arcade, the game characters come to life (in their own cyber world, anyway — akin to Toy Story). Wreck-It Ralph (Reilly) is a ‘bad-guy’ video game character who is tired...


Year One (2009)

It’s not easy to imagine Harold Ramis, the writer-director of Caddyshack and Groundhog Day, turning in a film this bad.  I suppose one could see the diminishing returns in his last two films, The Ice Harvest and Analyze That, but Year...


Tomcats (2001)

Gregory Poirier, screenwriter for the also bad films See Spot Run and Gossip, takes his first turn filming one of his screenplays with Tomcats, another in a series of gross-out comedies to come down the pike since the...