Tagged: hustler


Confidence (2003)

The con game has been a frequently visited subject in the realm of film, but it has almost become its own genre in the last couple of years.   Heist, Nine Queens, Ocean’s Eleven, The Score come readily...


Poolhall Junkies (2002)

Poolhall Junkies tries very hard to be a hip mix of Rounders grittiness, Reservoir Dogs machismo, and Swingers camaraderie, but doesn’t have the talent to pull it off.  Although there is an impressive cast for such a low budget feature ($4...


House of Games (1987)

Playwright and screenwriter David Mamet takes his first crack at direction with modest success, mostly due to his skills as a writer than anything else. As a director, Mamet shows he is an amateur...


Casino (1995)

Based on a true story (although the names have been changed), this tells the tale of Sam “Ace” Rothstein (De Niro, A Bronx Tale), a Jewish gambler with an incredible knack for bet-handicapping. His help...


The Hustler (1961)

The title character of the hustler refers to Fast Eddie Felson (Newman), a hotshot pool shark who is hustling his way across America from pool hall to pool hall. One day he stumbles across...