Tagged: innocent man accused


Saboteur (1942)

Robert Cummings (Dial M for Murder, Kings Row) stars as Barry Kane, a worker at a military aircraft production plant who ends up taking the rap mistakenly for the murder of his best friend/coworker...


The Bedroom Window (1987)

In the early 1980s, filmmaker Curtis Hanson had just come off of directing Losin’ It, a teen comedy about a group of young American men who travel to Tijuana, Mexico to lose their virginity....


Novocaine (2001)

After his memorable turn in Little Shop of Horrors playing a dentist, Steve Martin plays another one in Novocaine, an oddly interesting yet ultimately unsatisfying comic-thriller.  While the Hitchcockian plot and meandering storyline are too familiar...


Kiss of the Dragon (2001)

I have mixed feelings about the Hong Kong stars that leave to make bigger budget films once they have make a name for themselves.  Perhaps the producers and directors of the American/European films just...


The 39 Steps (1935)

Robert Donat plays Richard Hannay, a Canadian visiting London who travels to a local show. Gunshots erupt, and during the mad dash for the exits, he bumps into a woman (Mannheim), asking to go...