Tagged: James Coburn


Payback (1999)

Two small time thieves named Val (Henry, Star Trek: Insurrection) and Porter (Gibson, Lethal Weapon 4) put the moves on a Chinese gang to steal $140,000.  They are supposed to split it evenly, but Val needs the money...


Looker (1981)

Looker is one of Michael Crichton’s several modern science fiction thrillers that are almost wholly interchangeable in terms of plot developments and general storylines, even if the events that hold them together are all...


Hudson Hawk (1991)

I guess my biggest surprise about Bruce Willis’ most notorious turkey is that it actually has gained a cult following over the years.  I can only speculate as to why.  Then again, I was...


Monsters Inc. (2001)

Pixar is an animation studio that seemingly can do no wrong, with such excellent bits of entertainment as the TOY STORY series as well as A BUG’S LIFE to their credit.  It should come as no...


Affliction (1997)

Nolte plays Wade, a cop in a small town in New Hampshire. He struggles with his wife leaving him and his daughter not wanting to spend time with him. He is also haunted by...


Charade (1963)

A soon-to-be divorced woman (Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s) needn’t worry any longer about her failing marriage when it is discovered her husband died after a tumble off of a moving train. She soon discovers her husband...


The Nutty Professor (1996)

One time unflappable box-office draw Eddie Murphy takes his first step to resurrecting his floundering film career with this tour de force in which he plays a 400-lb. chemistry professor named Sherman Klump, who...